Disposal of unwanted chemicals and medications

Households use many different chemicals and medications every day. Sometimes it can be difficult to know how to safely dispose of them when they are no longer needed. Disposing of chemicals and medications into general waste or down the drain can be harmful to our environment and wastewater systems.


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 The best way to dispose of any expired or leftover medications is to take them to your local pharmacy.   Before taking them to a pharmacy make sure they are stored safely and away from children.

Hazardous waste

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Your local council should be your first port of call to find out how to dispose of hazardous waste, including chemicals, batteries, and lightbulbs. Disposal recommendations can be different between councils. Many councils have information on their websites or give them a call to find out (you may need to ask to be put through to the local landfill or transfer station). Hazardous chemicals collected by the council will be treated at a licensed treatment facility and safely disposed of.

 If your Local Council is unable to help, they may refer you to private disposal companies. Alternatively contact your Regional Council for advice.


Tips for disposing of chemicals and pharmaceuticals

  • Try to dispose of products as soon as you can to prevent having to store large amounts of potentially dangerous chemicals
  • Keep chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a safe place; keep them out of reach from children and clearly labeled
  • DO NOT transfer or mix chemicals into different containers, especially any containers that are for food or drink items, this is also illegal